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With the Visual Voicemail app on your smartphone, you can view, listen, and organize your voicemail with a single touch. It is an amazing app that allows you to properly organize all your voicemail in one place. Further, it comes with a plenty of essential features that allow you to callback or even text to your voicemails. And guess what! You can listen to the messages in any order with the help of this app. Configuring the app is easy and so is using it. So, what are you waiting for? Get your hands on the Visual Voicemail app now.
Features and Functions
There are numerous features and functionalities that have been integrated into the app. All these together make the app a preferred choice for many to organize their voicemails. With the app, you can listen to your messages, respond to them with one click, and even update your contacts easily. The app allows you to manage your inbox seamlessly without the need of dialing into your voicemail.
With this app, there is no need to change your MetroPCS Voicemail number. Also, there's no need to reconfigure your voicemail forwarding. This is so because the Visual Voicemail app activates the same for free at its first launch. In exchange for a small monthly fee, the app allows you to upgrade to voicemail to text feature. With the help of this unique feature, you receive your voicemail transcribed into text messages. You get these messages either in the application inbox or via SMS.
The app now comes with an unread messages widget. With this widget, you get to know that there are certain messages that you haven't read or heard. Adding the Visual Voicemail widget is quite easy on any Android device. All you need to do is a long press on any free space on your home screen, then go to add widgets, and choose Visual Voicemail widget from there.
Do note that the app may use infrequent, free SMS messages in order to communicate with the voicemail server.
When it comes to the interface of the Visual Voicemail app, it follows a proper flow which makes it easy for the users to use the app and locate the essential features. On the top, you get to see the information about the sender of the voicemail. There is a volume button, play button, slider, call button and a message button located just below the sender's information. All these options give you a proper control over your voicemail. On the whole, the interface looks intuitive and clutter-free.
Many times it so happens that someone calls you but you are unavailable for the call due to any reason. In such a case, the callers are left with no option but to send a voicemail. However, there are so many voicemails on your phone that it becomes quite a hassle to organize them let alone hearing them. If you too are facing the same problem of organizing your voicemails, then the Visual Voicemail app is the one that you need to have on your smartphone. It comes packed with amazing features and functionalities that let you organize your voicemails and even revert to them with just one tap. Install the app to make sure that you never miss attending a single voicemail.
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