Top 10 Games that Shine with RTX Graphics

Camden Price


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The introduction of NVIDIA's RTX graphics cards has brought about a seismic shift in the gaming landscape, raising the bar for visual fidelity and immersiveness. Real-time ray tracing technology and AI-driven deep learning super sampling (DLSS) are at the core of this revolution, allowing for unprecedented levels of realism in lighting, shadows, and reflections without compromising performance. This article showcases ten remarkable games that have been transformed by RTX technology. Each title exemplifies how cutting-edge graphic capabilities can redefine gaming experiences, turning virtual worlds into breathtaking vistas brimming with lifelike details. Let's embark on a visual journey through the very best games that have been elevated by the prowess of RTX graphics.

Cyberpunk 2077

Immersing yourself in the neon-drenched streets of Night City becomes an almost tangible experience with RTX graphics in Cyberpunk 2077. With real-time ray tracing, the game's futuristic aesthetic is elevated by stunningly realistic lighting and reflections, enhancing the depth and atmosphere of its sprawling open world. NVIDIA DLSS further ensures that even amidst the game's dense urban environment, performance remains sleek and smooth, allowing for a seamless blend of style and technological prowess.


The Oldest House in Control is a place of stark beauty and ominous intrigue, a setting that comes alive with RTX technology. Ray-traced reflections and shadows gift the game's brutalist architecture with an otherworldly charm as supernatural abilities and reactive environments play out with lifelike physics. The use of RTX graphics not only accentuates the game's visual splendor but also amplifies its eerie, uncanny atmosphere, making every telekinetic showdown a breathtaking spectacle.

Control game

Battlefield V

The RTX implementation in Battlefield V pinpoints the chaos and destruction of World War II battlegrounds with unprecedented precision. Every explosion, crumbling building, and reflection on the water's surface is rendered with staggering detail, showcasing the true grit and visual horror of war. This attention to realism does not detract from performance, with DLSS enabling smooth frame rates even in the most hectic of multiplayer scenarios.

Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus takes players through a post-apocalyptic Russia that is both haunting and hauntingly beautiful, thanks to RTX technology. The interplay of light and shadow is crucial in creating a sense of both despair and hope as players navigate the game's varied environments. Ray-traced illumination enhances the realism of subterranean lairs and desolate landscapes, while DLSS optimizes the experience to keep the journey as fluid as storytelling.


With RTX on, Minecraft is reborn, transforming the classic block-building experience into something miraculous. Ray-traced lighting breathes life into the simple textures, creating a world that feels both familiar and completely new. From the glint of sunlight on a serene lake to the ominous glow of lava deep underground, each block contributes to a cohesive, dynamically-lit environment that both nostalgics and newcomers can appreciate.

Minecraft game RTX

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

The latest in Lara Croft's adventures is a visual treat with the integration of RTX graphics. Shadow of the Tomb Raider not only offers a thrilling narrative and challenging puzzles but also dazzles with its stunning use of light and shadow in dense jungles and ancient tombs. Ray tracing enhances the realism of each locale, adding layers of authenticity to the game's exploration and combat sequences, which are seamlessly optimized by DLSS technology.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

The reboot of the iconic series Call of Duty: Modern Warfare takes graphical fidelity to new heights with RTX enhancements. Throughout the game's high-octane campaign and multiplayer mode, realistic reflections and improved ambient occlusion deepen the immersion. The RTX features ensure that whether you're infiltrating enemy bases or navigating war-torn streets, the visual experience is as intense as the gameplay itself.


The battle royale juggernaut, Fortnite, jumps on the RTX bandwagon with a gleeful embrace of enhanced visuals. From the reflective surfaces of Loot Lake to the intricate lighting of densely constructed forts, RTX technology elevates the cartoonish aesthetic to a realm of vibrant, dynamic beauty. The inclusion of DLSS ensures that the gameplay remains as fast and responsive as ever, crucial for a competitive edge in this ever-evolving game world.

Fortnite game RTX

Wolfenstein: Youngblood

RTX graphics deliver a fresh layer of realism to the rebellious spirit of Wolfenstein: Youngblood. As players take on the role of the Blazkowicz sisters in a Nazi-dominated Paris, ray-traced lighting and reflections add depth to every environment, from neon-lit streets to somber bunkers. The gritty atmosphere is maintained at peak performance by DLSS, cementing the game's status as a visual benchmark for first-person shooters.

Quake II RTX

The remastered version of this classic shooter, Quake II RTX, demonstrates the transformative power of modern graphics on old-school gameplay. The infusion of ray-traced lighting revolutionizes the game's ambiance, turning what once was a fundamental 3D shooter into a stunningly atmospheric experience. This homage to the past, upgraded with the technology of the future, offers both nostalgia and a glimpse into the evolution of gaming visuals.

The implementation of RTX graphics in these stellar games marks a significant leap forward in the gaming industry, pushing the boundaries of visual fidelity and performance. Each title uniquely leverages the technology to enhance its aesthetic and gameplay, ensuring that players are not only participating in compelling virtual worlds but also experiencing the full potential of contemporary hardware advancements. As the technology continues to evolve, the synergy between game design and graphical capability promises to bring even more breathtaking experiences to gamers around the world.
